Kommentierte Workflow Bibliographie mit Verweisen / Annotated and linked
worfklow bibliography
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Mohan U. Kamath,
G. Alonso, R. Günthör, and C. Mohan. Providing
high availabilty in very large scale workflow management systems.
Technical report, IBM, July 1995.

A. Kapusy and L. Langer. Distributed check processing based on a client-server
solution. In: G. Chroust and A. Benczur (eds.): Proceedings of CON
'94, Workflow Management: Challenges, Paradigms and Products, Linz, Austria,
pp. 212-220. R. Oldenbourg München, September 1994.

B. Karbe and N. Ramsperger. Concepts and Implementation of Migrating
Office Processes. In: W. Brauer and D. Hernandez (eds.): Verteilte
künstliche Intelligeny und kooperatives Arbeiten, Springer Verlag,
1991, pp. 136-147.

Mohan U. Kamath
and Krithi Ramamritham.
correctness & systems issues in supporting advanced database applications
using workflow management systems. Technical report, University
of Massachusetts, 6 1995.

Mohan U. Kamath
and Krithi Ramamritham.
Bridging th gap
between transaction management and workflow management. In: NSF
Workshop on Workflow and Process Automation in Information Systems,
Athens, Georgia, May 1996.

Mohan U. Kamath
and Krithi Ramamritham.
Issues in Workflow Management. In: Distributed Systems Engineering
(DSE) Journal : Special Issue on Workflow Management Systems, Volume 3,
Number 4, December 1996.

Mohan U. Kamath
and Krithi Ramamritham.
Efficient Transaction
Support for Dynamic Information Retrieval Systems. In: 19th
International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information
Retrieval (SIGIR '96), Zurich, Switzerland, August 1996.

Kappel, R. Hiebl, S.
Rausch-Schott, and W.
Retschitzegger. Coordination
in Workflow Management Systems - A Rule-Based Approach. Technical
Report, 1997.

Kappel, R. Hiebl, S.
Rausch-Schott, and W.
Retschitzegger. A
Tour on the TriGS Active Database System - Architecture and Implementation.
Technical Report, 1997.

Stefan Kirn and Andi Klöfer. Verbundintelligenz kooperativer Softwaresysteme.
KI, (2):20-28, 1995.

S. Kirn, U. Kümmerling. Organisatorische
Perspektiven beim Einsatz von Workflow-ManagementSystemen. EMISA-Fachgruppentreffen
1997, "Worfklow-Management-Systeme
im Spannungsfeld einer Organisation", Darmstadt, 8.-10. Oktober
1997, S. 58-69.

Stefan Kirn. Organisationale Integration kooperativer Software-Systeme.
In: K. Klöckner (ed.): Symposium der GI / Fachgruppe 2.0.1 Groupware-Einsatz
in Organisationen, Marburg, pp. 151-166, GMD Fachberichte, October

Stefan Kirn. Organisatorische Flexibilität durch Workflow-management-Systeme?.
HMD - Theorie und Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, (182):100-112,

Stefan Kirn and Rainer Unland. Koordinationsmodelle in föderativen
IS-(referenz-)architekturen. In: Fachtagung der GI / Fachausschuß
5.2: Modellierung betrieblicher Informationssysteme, Bamberg, pp.
49-51, October 1993.

Stefan Kirn and R. Unland. Workflow-Management
mit kooperativen Softwaresystemen: State of the art und Problemabriß.
Technical report, Universität Münster, March 1994.

Kappel, P. Lang, S.
Rausch-Schott, and W.
Retschitzegger. Workflow management based on objects, rules and
roles. Bulletin
of the Technical Comittee on Data Engineering,18(1):11-18,
March 1995.

Thomas Kirsche, Richard Lenz, Raeiner Schmidt, and Hans Schuster. Ereignisorientierte
Spezifikation und Ausführung von (transaktionalen) Abläufen.
In: 5. Workshop Transaktionskonzepte, Schloß Dhaun, Deutschland,
Januar 1994.

Gyoezoe Kovacs. A part of office automation history. In: G. Chroust
and A. Benczur (eds.): Proceedings of CON '94, Workflow Management: Challenges,
Paradigms and Products, Linz, Austria, pp. 279-290. R. Oldenbourg München,
September 1994.

Wolfgang König
and Oliver Wendt.
in der Informatik? Zur wirtschaftlichen Gestaltung verteilter Abläufe.
Technical Report 09, 1995.

R. Klamma, P. Peters, M. Jarke. Eine
Untersuchung der DV-Unterstützung von Informations- und Arbeitsflüssen
im Qualitätsmanagement bei kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen
in der Fertigungsindustrie. EMISA-Fachgruppentreffen
1997, "Worfklow-Management-Systeme
im Spannungsfeld einer Organisation", Darmstadt, 8.-10. Oktober
1997, S. 70-80.

- Ralf Klamma, Matthias Jarke. Supporting Organizational Learning Processes through Failure Management. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS'97), Atlanta, Georgia, USA, December 1997.

- R. Klamma, P. Peters, M. Jarke. Workflow Support for Failure Management in Federated Organizations.
In: Proceedings of 31st Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences, Internet and the Digital Economy Track (Vol IV), Big Island, USA, pp. 302--311. IEEE Computer Society Press, January 1998.

Cornel Klein, Bernhard Rumpe, and Manfred Broy. A stream-based mathematical
model for distributed information processing systems. In: Jean-Bernard
Stefani, Elie Najim (eds.): FMOODS96 - Formal Methods for Open Object-based
Distributed System, pp. 323-338. ENST France Telekom, 1996.

M. Kamath,
K. Ramamritham,
N. Gehani and D. Lieuwen. WorldFlow:
A System for Building Global Transactional Workflows, In:
Proc. of 7th
International Workshop on High Performance Transaction Systems (HPTS-97),
Asilomar, California, September 1997.

Robert Kristöfl and Thomas Grechenig. Applying workflow management
concepts in public administration. In: G. Chroust and A. Benczur
(eds.): Proceedings of CON '94, Workflow Management: Challenges, Paradigms
and Products, Linz, Austria, pp. 201-211. R. Oldenbourg München,
September 1994.

Thomas Kreifelts and Wolfgang Prinz. ASCW: An assistant for cooperative
work. In: COOCS '93, Proceedings of the Conference on Organizational
Computing Systems, Milpitas CA, USA, November1993.

Kappel, S.
Reich, S.
Rausch-Schott, and W.
Retschitzegger. Hypermedia
Document and Workflow Management Based on Active Object-Oriented Databases.
In: Proc. of the 30th Hawaiian International Conference on System Sciences
(HICSS'97), IEEE, January 1997.

Narayanan Krishnakumar and Amit Sheth. Managing Heterogenous multi-system
tasks to support enterprise-wide operations. Technical report, September

Narayanan Krishnakumar and Amit Sheth. Specification of Workflow with
Heterogenous Tasks in METEOR. Technical report, September 1994.

Michael Kübler. Elektronische Vorgangsbearbeitung. HMD -
Theorie und Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, (176), 1994.

Stefan Kirn, R. Unland, U. Wanka, S. Abbas, and G. M.P. O'Hare. Flexible
Organsiationen durch Workflow Management? Oder: Zum Problem der Modellierung
von Geschäftsprozessen. In: U.Hasenkamp (ed.): Einführung
von CSCW in Organisationen, Tagungsband der D-CSCW '94, Marburg, pages
13-27. Vieweg, September 1994.

Stefan Kirn, R. Unland, and U. Wanka. MAMBA - automatic customization
of computerized business processes. Information Systems, 19(8):661-682,
December 1994.
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