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KAGM95: KommentareAnnotations
Mohan U. Kamath, G. Alonso, R. Günthör, and C. Mohan. Providing high availabilty in very large scale workflow management systems. Technical report, IBM, July 1995.
KaLa94: KommentareAnnotations
A. Kapusy and L. Langer. Distributed check processing based on a client-server solution. In: G. Chroust and A. Benczur (eds.): Proceedings of CON '94, Workflow Management: Challenges, Paradigms and Products, Linz, Austria, pp. 212-220. R. Oldenbourg München, September 1994.
KaRa91: KommentareAnnotations
B. Karbe and N. Ramsperger. Concepts and Implementation of Migrating Office Processes. In: W. Brauer and D. Hernandez (eds.): Verteilte künstliche Intelligeny und kooperatives Arbeiten, Springer Verlag, 1991, pp. 136-147.
KaRa95: KommentareAnnotations
Mohan U. Kamath and Krithi Ramamritham. Modeling, correctness & systems issues in supporting advanced database applications using workflow management systems. Technical report, University of Massachusetts, 6 1995.
KaRa96: KommentareAnnotations
Mohan U. Kamath and Krithi Ramamritham. Bridging th gap between transaction management and workflow management. In: NSF Workshop on Workflow and Process Automation in Information Systems, Athens, Georgia, May 1996.
Mohan U. Kamath and Krithi Ramamritham. Corretness Issues in Workflow Management. In: Distributed Systems Engineering (DSE) Journal : Special Issue on Workflow Management Systems, Volume 3, Number 4, December 1996.
Mohan U. Kamath and Krithi Ramamritham. Efficient Transaction Support for Dynamic Information Retrieval Systems. In: 19th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR '96), Zurich, Switzerland, August 1996.
KHRR97a: KommentareAnnotations
G. Kappel, R. Hiebl, S. Rausch-Schott, and W. Retschitzegger. Coordination in Workflow Management Systems - A Rule-Based Approach. Technical Report, 1997.
KHRR97b: KommentareAnnotations
G. Kappel, R. Hiebl, S. Rausch-Schott, and W. Retschitzegger. A Tour on the TriGS Active Database System - Architecture and Implementation. Technical Report, 1997.
KiKl95: KommentareAnnotations
Stefan Kirn and Andi Klöfer. Verbundintelligenz kooperativer Softwaresysteme. KI, (2):20-28, 1995.
KiKu97: KommentareAnnotations
S. Kirn, U. Kümmerling. Organisatorische Perspektiven beim Einsatz von Workflow-ManagementSystemen. EMISA-Fachgruppentreffen 1997, "Worfklow-Management-Systeme im Spannungsfeld einer Organisation", Darmstadt, 8.-10. Oktober 1997,  S. 58-69.
Kirn94: KommentareAnnotations
Stefan Kirn. Organisationale Integration kooperativer Software-Systeme. In: K. Klöckner (ed.): Symposium der GI / Fachgruppe 2.0.1 Groupware-Einsatz in Organisationen, Marburg, pp. 151-166, GMD Fachberichte, October 1994.
Kirn95: KommentareAnnotations
Stefan Kirn. Organisatorische Flexibilität durch Workflow-management-Systeme?. HMD - Theorie und Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, (182):100-112, 1995.
KiUn93: KommentareAnnotations
Stefan Kirn and Rainer Unland. Koordinationsmodelle in föderativen IS-(referenz-)architekturen. In: Fachtagung der GI / Fachausschuß 5.2: Modellierung betrieblicher Informationssysteme, Bamberg, pp. 49-51, October 1993.
KiUn94: KommentareAnnotations
Stefan Kirn and R. Unland. Workflow-Management mit kooperativen Softwaresystemen: State of the art und Problemabriß. Technical report, Universität Münster, March 1994.
KLRR95: KommentareAnnotations
G. Kappel, P. Lang, S. Rausch-Schott, and W. Retschitzegger. Workflow management based on objects, rules and roles. Bulletin of the Technical Comittee on Data Engineering,18(1):11-18, March 1995.
KLSS94: KommentareAnnotations
Thomas Kirsche, Richard Lenz, Raeiner Schmidt, and Hans Schuster. Ereignisorientierte Spezifikation und Ausführung von (transaktionalen) Abläufen. In: 5. Workshop Transaktionskonzepte, Schloß Dhaun, Deutschland, Januar 1994.
Kova94: KommentareAnnotations
Gyoezoe Kovacs. A part of office automation history. In: G. Chroust and A. Benczur (eds.): Proceedings of CON '94, Workflow Management: Challenges, Paradigms and Products, Linz, Austria, pp. 279-290. R. Oldenbourg München, September 1994.
KoWe95: KommentareAnnotations
Wolfgang König and Oliver Wendt. Ökonomie in der Informatik? Zur wirtschaftlichen Gestaltung verteilter Abläufe. Technical Report 09, 1995.
KPJa97: KommentareAnnotations
R. Klamma, P. Peters, M. Jarke. Eine Untersuchung der DV-Unterstützung von Informations- und Arbeitsflüssen im Qualitätsmanagement bei kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen in der Fertigungsindustrie. EMISA-Fachgruppentreffen 1997, "Worfklow-Management-Systeme im Spannungsfeld einer Organisation", Darmstadt, 8.-10. Oktober 1997,  S. 70-80.
KlJa97: KommentareAnnotations
Ralf Klamma, Matthias Jarke. Supporting Organizational Learning Processes through Failure Management. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS'97), Atlanta, Georgia, USA, December 1997.
KPJa98: KommentareAnnotations
R. Klamma, P. Peters, M. Jarke. Workflow Support for Failure Management in Federated Organizations. In: Proceedings of 31st Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences, Internet and the Digital Economy Track (Vol IV), Big Island, USA, pp. 302--311. IEEE Computer Society Press, January 1998.
KRBr96: KommentareAnnotations
Cornel Klein, Bernhard Rumpe, and Manfred Broy. A stream-based mathematical model for distributed information processing systems. In: Jean-Bernard Stefani, Elie Najim (eds.): FMOODS96 - Formal Methods for Open Object-based Distributed System, pp. 323-338. ENST France Telekom, 1996.
KRGL97: KommentareAnnotations
M. Kamath, K. Ramamritham, N. Gehani and D. Lieuwen. WorldFlow: A System for Building Global Transactional Workflows In: Proc. of 7th International Workshop on High Performance Transaction Systems (HPTS-97), Asilomar, California, September 1997.
KrGr94: KommentareAnnotations
Robert Kristöfl and Thomas Grechenig. Applying workflow management concepts in public administration. In: G. Chroust and A. Benczur (eds.): Proceedings of CON '94, Workflow Management: Challenges, Paradigms and Products, Linz, Austria, pp. 201-211. R. Oldenbourg München, September 1994.
KrPr93: KommentareAnnotations
Thomas Kreifelts and Wolfgang Prinz. ASCW: An assistant for cooperative work. In: COOCS '93, Proceedings of the Conference on Organizational Computing Systems, Milpitas CA, USA, November1993.
KRRR97: KommentareAnnotations
G. Kappel, S. Reich, S. Rausch-Schott, and W. Retschitzegger. Hypermedia Document and Workflow Management Based on Active Object-Oriented Databases. In: Proc. of the 30th Hawaiian International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'97), IEEE, January 1997.
KrSh94a: KommentareAnnotations
Narayanan Krishnakumar and Amit Sheth. Managing Heterogenous multi-system tasks to support enterprise-wide operations. Technical report, September 1994.
KrSh94b: KommentareAnnotations
Narayanan Krishnakumar and Amit Sheth. Specification of Workflow with Heterogenous Tasks in METEOR. Technical report, September 1994.
Kueb94: KommentareAnnotations
Michael Kübler. Elektronische Vorgangsbearbeitung. HMD - Theorie und Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, (176), 1994.
KUW*94: KommentareAnnotations
Stefan Kirn, R. Unland, U. Wanka, S. Abbas, and G. M.P. O'Hare. Flexible Organsiationen durch Workflow Management? Oder: Zum Problem der Modellierung von Geschäftsprozessen. In: U.Hasenkamp (ed.): Einführung von CSCW in Organisationen, Tagungsband der D-CSCW '94, Marburg, pages 13-27. Vieweg, September 1994.
KUWa94: KommentareAnnotations
Stefan Kirn, R. Unland, and U. Wanka. MAMBA - automatic customization of computerized business processes. Information Systems, 19(8):661-682, December 1994.

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