Kommentierte Workflow Bibliographie mit Verweisen / Annotated and linked
worfklow bibliography
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A. Gal and O. Etzion. CODES - a design tool for computerized systems.
In: Proc. NGITS'95 Int. Workshop on Next Generation Information Technologies
and Systems, Naharia, Israel, pp. 116-123, June 1995.

Libor Gala and Jaroslav Jandos. On the access to distributed data and
it's standardization. In: G. Chroust and A. Benczur (eds.): Proceedings
of CON 94, Workflow Management: Challenges, Paradigms and Products, Linz,
Austria, pp. 266-277. R. Oldenbourg München, September 1994.

J. Galler and August-Wilhelm
Scheer. Workflow-Projekte:
Vom Geschäftsprozeßmodell zur unternehmensspezifischen Workflow-Anwendung.
IM-Information Management, 10(1):20-28, 1995.

Dimitros Georgakopoulos and Mark F. Hornick. A framework for enforceable
specifications of extended transaction models and transactional workflows.
International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, September

K. Geihs. Infrastrukturen für heterogene verteilte Systeme.
Informatik Spektrum, 16:2-11, 1993.

Andreas Geppert. Transaction support for design processes. Technical
report, Universität Zürich, June 1992.

Dmimitros Georgakopoulos, Mark F. Hornick, Frank Manola, Michael L. Brodie,
Sandra Heiler, Farshad Nayeri, and Benjamin Hurwitz. An extended transaction
environment for workflows in distributed object computing. IEEE
of the Technical Comittee on Data Engineering,16(2), June

J. Galler, J. Hagemeyer,
and August-Wilhelm
Scheer. The
Coordination of Interdisciplinary Teams in Workflow Projects. In:
Proceedings of the 3rd Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks
- IDMT-95, Kubuva Hut, Czech Republic, 1995.

J. Galler, J. Hagemeyer,
and August-Wilhelm
Scheer. Contact
- Coordination of Cooperative information Modeling Activities.
In: Conference Supplement to the European Conference on Computer Supported
Cooperative Work, Stockholm, Sweden, 1995, pp. 25-26, 1995.

T. Goesmann, K. Just-Hahn, T. Löffler, R.Rolles. Flexibilität
als Ziel beim Einsatz von Workflow-Management-Systemen - Methoden zur Anpassung,
Aushandlung und kontinuierlichen Verbesserung. EMISA-Fachgruppentreffen
1997, "Worfklow-Management-Systeme
im Spannungsfeld einer Organisation", Darmstadt, 8.-10. Oktober
1997, S. 18-30.

J. Galler, J. Hagemeyer,
and August-Wilhelm
Scheer. Contact
- ein Koordinationssystem für verteilte Modellierungsaktivitäten.
In: K.
Schwab W.
Augsburger, and H.
Ludwig (ed.): Tagungsband Koordinationsmechanismen bei der computergestützten
kooperativen Arbeit, Bamberger Beiträge zur Wirtschaftsinformatik
Nr. 30, Uni Bamberg, 1995.

Andreas Geppert, Markus Kradolfer, and Dimitrios Tombros. Realization
of cooperative agents using an acitve object-oriented database management
system. In: T. Sellis (ed.): Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on
Rules in Databases (RIDS), Athens, Greece. LNCS, September 1995.

GOODSTEP Team. The GOODSTEP Project: General object-oriented database
for software engineering processes. Technical report, November

Paul Grünbacher. Benefits of groupware in software engineering
environments. In: G. Chroust and A. Benczur (eds.): Proceedings
of CON '94, Workflow Management: Challenges, Paradigms and Products, Linz,
Austria, pp. 156-168. R. Oldenbourg München, September 1994.

Volker Gruhn. Communication support in the workflow management environment
leu. In: G. Chroust and A. Benczur (eds.): Proceedings of CON '94,
Workflow Management: Challenges, Paradigms and Products, Linz, Austria,
pp. 188-1200. R. Oldenbourg München, September 1994.

Volker Gruhn. Business process modeling and workflow management.
International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, 4(2
& 3):145-164, 1995.
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