Kommentierte Workflow Bibliographie mit Verweisen / Annotated and linked
worfklow bibliography
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Steinar Carlson. Organizational Perspectives of Workflow Technology,
Technical report, The Norwegian Institute of Technology, The University
of Trondheim, 1995.

G. Canals, F. Charoy, C. Godart, and P. Molli. P-ROOT & COO : Building
a cooperative software development environment. In Proceedings of
SEE 95, 1995.

F. Casati,
S. Ceri, B.
Pernici, G. Pozzi.
modeling of workflows, O-O ER'95, Gold Coast, Australia, Springer
Verlag, Dec. 12-15, December 1995.

F. Casati,
S. Ceri, B.
Pernici, G. Pozzi.
Conceptual Modeling of WorkFlows, Internal Report N. 95.018,
Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione, Politecnico di Milano,
(extended version of CCPP95a), September. 1995

F. Casati,
S. Ceri, B.
Pernici, G. Pozzi.
Evolution In: Proceedings of ER '96, Cottubus, Germany,
October 1996.

F. Casati,
S. Ceri, B.
Pernici, G. Pozzi.
active rules for WorkFlow enactment, In: Proceedings of DEXA
'96, Zürich, CH, September 1996.

F. Casati,
S. Ceri, B.
Pernici, G. Pozzi.
workflow interoperability, EDBT 96, Avignon, France, March

F. Casati,
P. Grefen, B. Pernici,
G. Pozzi, G. Sánchez.
WIDE Workflow model and architecture, submitted for publication.

G. Chroust and J. Bergsman. Workflow system. In G. Chroust and
A. Benczur, editors, Proceedings of CON '94, Workflow Management: Challenges,
Paradigms and Products, Linz, Austria, pp. 291-293. R. Oldenbourg
München, September1994.

Arvola Chan and Kieran Harty. Building flexible distributed applications
with the Teknetron enterprise toolkit. Bulletin
of the Technical Comittee on Data Engineering,18(1):33-40,
March 1995.

L. Colazzo, L. Mich, D. Malinverni Silvestri, T. Schael. Interpretation
of Human Relations in Computer Supported Communication: A Test with a Pragmatic
Model. In: Stamper, R.; Kerola, P.; Lee, R.; Lyytinen, K. (eds.):
Collaborative Work, Social Communication and Information Systems. North
Holland, Amsterdam, pp. 77-92 , 1991.

Richard Coyne. Designing Information Technology in the Postmodern Age
- From Method to Metaphor. MIT Press,1995.
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