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Warn92: KommentareAnnotations
Hans-Jürgen Warnecke. Die fraktale Fabrik. Springer Verlag, 1992.
WeKr94: KommentareAnnotations
Dietmar Weiß and Helmut Krcmar. Workflow-Management: Herkunft und Klassifikation. Wirtschaftsinformatik 38(1996) 4, pp.5 03-513, 1996.
Wenz98: KommentareAnnotations
Claudia Wenzel. Integrating Information Extraction into Workflow Management Systems. In: Natural Language and Information Systems Workshop (NLIS/DEXA 98), Vienna, Austria, August 24-28, 1998.
Wers95: KommentareAnnotations
Markus Wersch. Workflow Management. DUV, 1995.
Wesk97: KommentareAnnotations
M. Weske. Überlegungen zur Flexibilisierung von Workflow-Management-Systemen. EMISA-Fachgruppentreffen 1997, "Worfklow-Management-Systeme im Spannungsfeld einer Organisation", Darmstadt, 8.-10. Oktober 1997,  S. 123-131.
Terminology & Glossary (WFMC-TC-1011, June-1996, 2.0)
Interface 1 - Workflow Process Definition Read/Write Interface:
Request For Comment (WFMC-WG01-1000, 17-Feb-95)
Interface 2 - Application Programming Interface (WAPI) Specification (WFMC-TC-1009, 20-Nov-95, 1.0)
Interface 2 - Application Programming Interface (WAPI) Naming Conventions
(WFMC-TC-1013, 20-Nov-95, 1.0)
Interface 4 - Interoperability - Abstract Specification (WFMC-TC-1012, 3-June-96)
Interface 4 - Interoperability - Internet e-mail MIME Binding
(WFMC-TC-1012a, 3-June-96)
WKM*95: KommentareAnnotations
Dirk Wodtke, Angelika Kotz-Dittrich, Peter Muth, Markus Sinnwell, and Gerhard Weikum. Mentor: Entwurf einer Workflow-Management-Umgebung basierend auf State- und Activitycharts. In: 6. Fachtagung Datenbanksysteme in Büro, Technik und Wissenschaft, Dresden, 1995.
WoKr93: KommentareAnnotations
Gerd Wötzel and Thomas Kreifelts. The Use of Petri Nets for Modeling Workflow in the DOMINO System. In: Workshop on CSCW, Petri Nets and Related Formalisms, Int. Conf. on Appl. and Theory of Petri Nets, Chicago/USA, June 1993.
WoWe97: KommentareAnnotations
Dirk Wodtke and Gerhard Weikum. A Formal Foundation for Distributed Workflow Execution Based on State Chars. In:  International Conference on Database Theory, Delphi, 1997.
WPS*96: KommentareAnnotations
M. Weber, G. Partsch, A. Scheller-Huoy, J. Schweitzer, and G. Schneider. Flexible Einbindung von Telekonferenzen in Workflowmanagement. In: Tagungsband Workshop Geschäftsprozeßmodellierung und Workflowsysteme, Informatik '96, Klagenfurt, 1996.
WPS*97: KommentareAnnotations
M. Weber, G. Partsch, A. Scheller-Huoy, J. Schweitzer, and G. Schneider. Flexible Real-time Meeting Support for Workflow Management Systems. In: Proc. 30th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1997.
WSMH94: KommentareAnnotations
A. Würtz, D. Scherer, T. Murer, and A. Helbling. Development of an Architecture for Integrated, Distributed Software Development Systems. In: Proceedings of the SPP Information Conference on Secure Distributed Systems, November 1994.
WSP*97: KommentareAnnotations
M. Weber, G. Schneider, G. Partsch, S. Höck, A. Scheller-Houy, and J. Schweitzer. Integrating Synchronous Multimedia Collaboration into Workflow Management. To appear in: Proc. GROUP ?97 International Conference on Supporting Group Work The Integration Challenge, November 16-19, 1997, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 1997.
WVMe96: KommentareAnnotations
M. Weske, G. Vossen, and C. B. Medeiros. Scientific Workflow Management: WASA Architecture and Applications. Technical Report, Fachbericht Angewandte Mathematik und Informatik 03/96-I, Universität Münster, 1996.
WWD*97: KommentareAnnotations
Gerhard Weikum, Dirk Wodtke, Angelika Kotz Dittrich, Peter Muth, Jeanine Weissenfels. Spezifikation, Verifikation und verteilte Ausführung von Workflows in MENTOR. In Informatik Forschung und Entwicklung (1997) 12:51-71, 1997.
WWTh97: KommentareAnnotations
Christoph Wargitsch, Thorsten Wewers, and Felix Theisinger. WorkBrain: Merging Organizational Memory and Workflow Management Systems (HTML). Workshop "Knowledge-Based Systems for Knowledge Management in Enterprises", In conjunction with the: 21st Annual German Conference on AI '97 (KI-Jahrestagung '97) September 9th - 12th Freiburg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, 1997.
WWTh98: KommentareAnnotations
Christoph Wargitsch, Thomas Wewers, and Felix Theisinger. An Organizational-Memory-Based Approach for an Evolutionary Workflow Management System - Concepts and Implementation (HTML). In: Nunamaker, J. R. (eds.), Proceedings of the 31st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Vol. I, Los Alamitos, 1998, pp. 174-183, 1998.
WWVM96: KommentareAnnotations
J. Wainer, M. Weske, G. Vossen, and C. B. Medeiros. Scientific Workflow Systems. In: Proceedings of the NSF Workshop on Workflow and Process Automation: State-of-the-art and Future Directions., Athens, GA, May 1996.
WWW*97: KommentareAnnotations
Dirk Wodtke, Jeanine Weissenfels, Gerhard Weikum, Angelika Kotz-Dittrich, and P. Muth. The Mentor Workbench for Enterprise-wide Workflow Management. In: Demonstrations and Exhibits Program, Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Tucson, May 1997.
WWWK96: KommentareAnnotations
Dirk Wodtke, Jeanine Weissenfels, Gerhard Weikum, and Angelika Kotz-Dittrich. The Mentor project: Steps towards enterprise-wide workflow management. In: 12th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, 1996.

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