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Maus98: KommentareAnnotations
Heiko Maus. Integration of a DAU System in Workflow Management Systems. In: Giga Information Group 'European Business Process and Workflow Conference' Integrating People, Processes and Workflow in the Knowledge Era Geneva, Switzerland, October 13-16 1998.
Maus99: KommentareAnnotations
Heiko Maus. Towards a Functional Integration of Document Analysis and Understanding in Workflow Management Systems. In: Workflow Management '99: Workflow-Based Applications, Münster, Germany, November 9th 1999.
MAA*95: KommentareAnnotations
C. Mohan, D. Agrawal, G. Alonso, A. El Abbadi, R. Günthör, and Mohan U. Kamath. Exotica: A project on advanced transaction management and workflow system. SIGOIS Bulletin (Special Issue on Business Process Management Systems: Concepts, Methods and Technology), 16(1), August 1995.
MAGK95: KommentareAnnotations
C. Mohan, G. Alonso, R. Günthör, and Mohan U. Kamath. Exotica: A research perspective on workflow management systems. Bulletin of the Technical Comittee on Data Engineering, 18(1):19-26, March 1995.
Mein95: KommentareAnnotations
Stefan Meinhardt. Geschäftsprozeßorientierte Einführung von Standard-Software am Beispiel des SAP-Systems 'R/3'. Wirtschaftsinformatik, 37(5):487-499, October 1995.
MMRa94: KommentareAnnotations
Peter Mertens, Stefan Morschheuser, and Heinz Raufer. Beitrag eines Workflow-Management-Systems zur Integration von Daten- und Dokumentenverarbeitung. HMD - Theorie und Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, (176), 1994.
MoRa96: KommentareAnnotations
S. Morschheuser, H. Raufer, and C. Wargitsch. Challenges and solutions of document and workflow management in a manufacturing enterprise: A case study. In: Proceedings of the 29th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-29), IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1996, vol V, pp. 4-13.
MSK*95: KommentareAnnotations
John A. Miller, Amit P. Sheth, Krys J. Kochut, and Xuzhong Wang. Simulation modeling within workflow technology. In: Proceedings of the 1995 Winter Simulation Conference, Arlington, Virginia, December1995.
MSKW96: KommentareAnnotations
John A. Miller, Amit P. Sheth, Krys J. Kochut, and Xuzhong Wang. Corba-based run-time architectures for workflow management systems. Journal of Database Management, Special Issue on Multidatabases, 7, 1996.
MSW96: KommentareAnnotations
T. Murer, D. Scherer, and A. Würtz. Improving Component Interoperability Information. In: Proceedings of WCOP-96 (Workshop on Component-Oriented Programming at ECOOP '96 (10th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming), June 1996.
MVWe95: KommentareAnnotations
C. B. Medeiros, G. Vossen, and M. Weske. WASA: A Workflow-Based Architecture to Support Scientific Database Applications. In: N. Revell, A. M. Tjoa (eds.): Proceedings of the 6th DEXA Conference, Springer LNCS 978, pp. 574-583, London 1995. (Extended Version available as Fachbericht Angewandte Mathematik und Informatik 02/95-I, Universität Münster), 1995.
MVWe96: KommentareAnnotations
C. B. Medeiros, G. Vossen, and M. Weske. EO-WASA - Combining GIS Technology with Workflow Management. In: Proceedings of the Seventh Israeli Conference on Computer Systems and Software Engineering, Herzliya, Israel, June 12-13, pp. 129-139. IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1996.
MWFF92: KommentareAnnotations
R. Medina-Mora, T. Winograd, R. Flores, C.F. Flores. The action workflow perspective to workflow management technology. Proceedings of the 4th CSCW Conf., Toronto, 1992, pp. 281-288.

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