Kommentierte Workflow Bibliographie mit Verweisen / Annotated and linked
worfklow bibliography
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Johann Eder, Herbert Groiss, and Harald Nekvasil. A
workflow system based on active databases. In: G. Chroust and
A. Benczur (eds.): Proceedings of CON '94, Workflow Management:
Challenges, Paradigms and Products, Linz, Austria, pp. 249-265,
R. Oldenbourg München, September 1994.

G. Ehmayer, G.
Kappel, and S.
Reich. Connecting
Databases to the Web - A Taxonomy of Gateways. In: Proceedings
of DEXA 97, 8th International Conference on Database an Expert Systems
Applications, Toulouse, France, September 1997.

Michael Erdmann.
Data Warehouse as a Means to Support Knowledge Management (HTML).
Workshop "Knowledge-Based
Systems for Knowledge Management in Enterprises", In conjunction with
the: 21st Annual
German Conference on AI '97 (KI-Jahrestagung '97) September 9th - 12th
Freiburg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, 1997.

Michael Ernst and M.-R. ] Wolff. Ein Vorschlag zum Einsatz von Wiederverwendungskonzepten
im Workflow Management. HMD - Theorie und Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik,
(188), 1996.
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