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RaCh96: KommentareAnnotations
Krithi Ramamritham and Panos K. Chrysanthis. A taxonomy of corectness criteria in database applications. VLDB Journal, 5(1), Januar 1996.
ReDa97: KommentareAnnotations
M. Reichert and P. Dadam. A Framework for Dynamic Changes in Workflow Management Systems. In: Proc. 8th Int'l Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, DEXA '97, Toulouse, France, pp. 42-48, September 1997.
ReDa98: KommentareAnnotations
M. Reichert and P. Dadam. ADEPTflex - Supporting Dynamic Changes of Workflows Without Loosing Control. In: Journal of Intelligent Information Systems (JIIS), Special Issue on Workflow and Process Management, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 93-129, 1998.
RHDa98: KommentareAnnotations
M. Reichert, C. Hensinger, and P. Dadam. Supporting Adaptive Workflows in Advanced Application Environments. Proc. EDBT-Workshop on Workflow Management Systems, Valencia, Spanien, pp. 100-109, March 1998.
Reic95c: KommentareAnnotations
Siegfried Reich. Interoperability of Workflow Information. In: Proceedings of the Doctoral Consortium on CAiSE 95, Jyvaeskylae, Finland, 1995.
Reim97: KommentareAnnotations
Ulrich Reimer. Knowledge Integration for Building Organisational Memories (HTML). Workshop "Knowledge-Based Systems for Knowledge Management in Enterprises", In conjunction with the: 21st Annual German Conference on AI '97 (KI-Jahrestagung '97) September 9th - 12th Freiburg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, 1997.
ReSc95: KommentareAnnotations
Andreas Reuter and Friedemann Schwenkreis. ConTracts - A Low-Level Mechanism for Building General-Purpose Workflow Management Systems. Bulletin of the Technical Comittee on Data Engineering,18(1):4-10, March 1995.
RiMi97: KommentareAnnotations
Norbert Ritter and Bernhard Mitschang. Die Assistenzfunktion kooperativer Designflows. Informatik Forschung und Entwicklung (1997) 12:91-100, 1997.
RKT*95: KommentareAnnotations
M. Rusinkiewicz, W. Klas, T. Tesch, J. Wäsch, and P. Muth. Towards a cooperative transaction model. In: Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB '95), Zurich, Switzerland, Sept 11-15, pp. 194-205, 1995.
RMEn95: KommentareAnnotations
Heniz Raufer, Stefan Morschheuser, and Wolfgang Enders. Ein Werkzeug zur Analyse und Modellierung von Geschäftsprozessen als Vorraussetzung für effizientes Workflow-Management. Wirtschaftsinformatik, 37(5):467-479, October 1995.
RoMu97: KommentareAnnotations
M. Rosemann, M. zur Mühlen. Modellierung der Aufbauorganisation in Workflow-Managementsystemen: Kritische Bestandsaufnahme und Gestaltungsvorschläge. EMISA-Fachgruppentreffen 1997, "Worfklow-Management-Systeme im Spannungsfeld einer Organisation", Darmstadt, 8.-10. Oktober 1997,  S. 100-116.
RuSh94: KommentareAnnotations
Marek Rusinkiewicz and Amit Sheth. Specification and Execution of Transactional Workflows. In: Won Kim (ed.): Modern Database Systems: The Object Model, Interoperability, and Beyond. pp. 592-620, ACM Press and Addison-Wesley, 1994.

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