EMISA Forum Ausgabe 2004/1
- Editorial
- Aus der Fachgruppe
- Fachbeiträge
- ER'2003
- BEE-SMART: A Natural Language Interface For Knowledge Retrieval and Service Execution over the Sematic Web. Kaustubh Supekar, Chintan Patel, Sachin Singh, Yugyung Lee; School of Computing and Engineering; University of Missouri,Kansas City, U.S.
- Recent Results of the NLRE (Natural Language based Requirements Engineering) Project. Günther Fliedl, Christian Kop, Heinrich C. Mayr; IWAS, University of Klagenfurt, Austria
- A mediation Framework for a transparent access to biological data sources – The MediaGRID project. Christine Collet; LSR-IMAG, St, Martin d’Hères, France
- Building Bayes Nets wit5h Semistructured Probabilistic DBMS. Wenzhong Zhao, Jiangyu Li, Erik Jessup, Alex Dekhtyar and Judy Goldsmith; College of Engineering, University of Kentucky, U.S.
- An ontology-based approach for database evolution. Nadira Lammari (Laboratoire CEDRIC-CNAM ), Jacky Akoka (Laboratoire CEDRIC-CNAM), Isabelle Comyn-Wattiau (Laboratoire CEDRIC-CNAM et ESSEC ), Paris, France
- CSM: A Maintenance Tool for Data Warehouse Structures. Johann Eder and Christian Koncilia; ISYS, University of Klagenfurt, Austria
- Für Sie gesurft
- Buchbesprechungen
- Beyer, Frick, Gadatsch, Maucher, Paul (Hrsg).: Vom E-Business zur E-Society. New Economy im Wandel
- Dissertationen
- Tagungsberichte
- Ankündigungen
- EMISA Leitungsgremium
- Impressum