ER2003 Conference Logo
Latest news: The ER 2003 workshop proceedings will appear as LNCS 2814 with Springer-Verlag. Each participant of the ER 2003 conference gets a copy of the workshop proceedings.

ER 2003 Workshop Coordination

The page is coordinating the workshops held with the ER'2003 conference. It is a resource for workshop organizers and workshop participants.

List of accepted workshops

Workshop location and date

All workshops are planned to take place on the same day: October 13, 2003, at the conference venue.


The proceedings of all four workshops appear as a single volume in Springer LNCS. Paper authors and workshop organizers have to follow the guidelines layed out below.

Important dates

First Workshop Call for Papers: January 31, 2003
Workshop paper submission: around March 2003, at discretion of workshop organizers
Camera-ready workshop papers due: June 14, 2003

There shall be a single workshop proceedings volume containing the accepted papers of all four workshops. This volume shall be ready when the ER2003 conference starts. Hence, final papers must be ready in sync with regular ER2003 conference papers.

Guidelines for workshop organizers

Workshop organizers are responsible for collecting the final versions of all accepted papers and make sure that the material is complete (hardcopies of all papers, LateX/Word sources of all papers, signed copyright forms for all final papers). Additionally, workshop organizers should prepare the following two documents:
  • List of all reviewers of the workshop, organizing committee of the workshop (appears at the start pages of the LNCS volume)
  • 1-2 pages description about the workshop (appears directly after the title page of the workshop in the middle of the volume) All material (electronic version & camera ready hardcopies) have to be arrived with the ER workshop chairs by June 14, 2003. Final workshop papers are restricted to 12 pages. Extra pages cost 150 USD per page (but amount of extra pages is limited).

    The electronic versions of all papers plus the short introduction have to be uploaded as ZIP archive    (use acronym of your workshop as archive name!)
    to the

    Include in the ZIP archive subdirectories for all papers containing their Latex sources and figures, or Word files respectively. A typical structure of such a ZIP file would be:

      -intro.tex   (1-2 pages introduction by workshop organizers)
      -llncs.cls   (just the LNCS style file)    (Postscript version for correctness check)
      -toc.tex     (table of contents of your workshop)
      -reviewers.tex (list of reviewers for the workshop)
      +paper1        (subfolder for paper1 of the workshop)
         -paper3.doc   (the style file for Word documents to appear in LNCS layout)
    NOTE: You can download examples via
    or download the ZIP file as a whole.

    Guidelines for authors

    Workshop papers are to be formatted like standard ER 2003 papers except that the page limit is 12 pages. Please follow the instructions on when preparing the camera-ready copy. Include all text sources (Latex or Word) and figures (preferred are encapsulated postscript files) in a single directory, ZIP it and submit it to your workshop chair. The ZIP archive should also contain Postscript or PDF versions of the paper that print on standard A4 paper.

    Important: Use ISO-style filenames, i.e. do not include any special characters like blanks in the file names! Preferrably use small characters for filenames.

    Please consult your workshop chairs for further instructions.

    Other Links

    Oscar Pastor
    Manfred Jeusfeld
    (ER2003 workshop co-chairs)
    last change: 3-Jun-2003