22nd International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2002)

Call for Workshop Proposals

Evanston (Illinois), USA
October 13-16, 2003


As in previous years, ER 2003 will host a number of workshops addressing different areas related to conceptual modeling, information system development, digital labraries, data warehouse design, information integration, and other ER conference topics. We invite workshop organizers to send proposals as instructed below.

Workshops are intended to serve as an intensive collaborative forum for exchanging late breaking ideas and theories in an evolutionary stage. We encourage prospective workshop organizers to submit proposals for highly-interactive workshops focusing on either in-depth analysis or broad-ranging approaches to areas related to conceptual modeling.

Workshops may last 1 or 2 days and will be held between Monday (October 13) and Friday (October 16) at Omni Orrington Hotel adjacent to Northwestern University at Evanston, Illinois (USA). One day workshops are preferred and shall be scheduled on Monday (October 13). Workshops lasting more than one day may have some overlap with the ER 2003 conference program.


A workshop proposal should be about 2-5 pages long and contain the following information:

Workshop proposals should explain how they intend to increase the insight into a certain area. The topics of the workshop should encompass only some of the topics of the main conference. Workshop organizers should take care that their schedule allows to distribute preprint workshop materials at the workshop date. Proceedings of all ER workshops are to be published as a single volume of Springer-Verlag LNCS to be published and distributed at the ER 2003 conference.

Workshop proposals are reviewed by an independent board of experts based on the quality of the proposal, its relation to the main ER topics, and the likelihood to attract enough participants. More information on submission guidelines are on http://sunsite.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/Societies/ER2003Workshops/guidelines.html

Important Dates

Proposal submission : December 6, 2002
Notification of acceptance: January 17, 2002
Workshop Call for Papers: January 31, 2003
Workshop paper submission: around March 2003, at discretion of workshop organizers
Camera-ready workshop papers due: June 6, 2003


Electronic submission of workshop proposals is required. Postscript or PDF format are preferred. Paper and fax submissions will not be accepted. Proposals should follow the guidelines, and they should be submitted no later than December 6 to the ER2003 workshop chairs

Oscar Pastor
Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
E-mail: opastor@dsic.upv.es

Manfred Jeusfeld
Tilburg University, The Netherlands
E-mail: manfred.jeusfeld@uvt.nl

Last change: 2-Dec-2002/M.Jeusfeld