CREWS Road ShowScenarios for System Requirements Engineering: the CREWS ApproachA two-hour forum organised around the European ESPRIT long-term research project 21903 'CREWS' (Cooperative Requirements Engineering With Scenarios), which is concerned with systematic support for using and managing scenarios in the development of complex systems. The forum will discuss how systems engineering practitioners can improve their processes through the use of scenario-based techniques. Speakers
ObjectivesThe objective of this forum is to explore the role of scenarios in systems requirements engineering. The forum will make attendees aware of the significant research findings from the CREWS project, give attendees a basic understanding of the CREWS solutions, and offer attendees possible exploitation routes to ensure that the results of CREWS have a significant impact on systems engineering practice. Software DemonstrationThe CREWS project has developed two prototypical tool suites which can be employed, e.g., as extensions to the Use Case approach in object-oriented systems engineering. One shows traceable multimedia-based current-state analysis and animation of future scenarios, the other provides guidance for the creation and analysis of text scenarios and for the systematic generation of exception scenarios.
For questions mail to haumer@informatik.rwth-aachen.de. |
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