- ascribe
appends expressions to a text file.
- closefiles
closes one or more open files.
- dir
returns the files and/or subdirectories in a directory as a list of strings.
- fexists
checks for a file.
- flength
determines the size of a file in bytes, kbytes, or mbytes
- flines
counts the number of lines in a text file.
- fname
returns the filename to a file descriptor.
- fnumber
determines the file descriptor to a filename.
- isfopen
determines whether a file is open.
- liblist
lists the contents of a library.
- ls
lists the contents of a directory.
- openfiles
returns all open files.
- readlines
reads in an entire text file.
- rewind
sets the position in a file to its beginning.
- scribe
writes expressions to a file (like R3's writeln function).
- Write & WriteLn
improved printing procedures.
Sequences, Lists, and Sets:
- append
appends an item.
- count
determines number of times an element was found.
- insert
inserts an item at a given position.
- mapply
extended map function (R3 only).
- prepend
prepends an item.
- reverse
reverses elements.
- subdivide
subdivides a list into lists of lists.
- delete
deletes a substring from a string.
- extract
extracts parts of a string.
- include
inserts a substring in a string.
- items
returns words in a string.
- itemsFormStr
returns a format string.
- ladjust
left-justifies a string.
- lstrip
removes leading whitespaces from a string.
- mSearchText & msearchtext
return all positions of a pattern found in a string.
- replace
replaces a substring by another substring.
- radjust
right-justifies a string.
- repeat
repeats a string n times.
- rstrip
remove trailing whitespaces from a string.
- spaces
returns a string of white spaces.
- strip
removes leading and trailing whitespaces from a string or name.
- swapcase
converts lowercase letters to uppercase letters and vice versa (R5 only).
- toLower
converts to lower case.
- toUpper
converts to upper case.
- type/lowercase, type/uppercase, type/alphabetic, type/numericstring, type/alphanumeric, type/specialchar, type/hexdigits, type/octdigits
are special string types (R5 only).
- addlib
adds paths to libname.
- assumed
checks for a name with assumptions.
- dellib
deletes paths from libname.
- leval
returns values at all evaluation levels of a variable.
- li
prints the code of a function.
- load
reads functions and packages from Maple libraries and the Share Library.
- neval
determines the number of evaluation levels in a variable.
- prop
returns the property of an object.
- reinit
reinitializes the remember table of a function.
- remember
returns the remember table of a function.
- showif
prints all current user interface settings.
- sysinfo
prints various information on assigned global system variables, interface settings, the Maple file system and the Share Library.
- textfile
converts a text file to a format compatible with the read function.
- vartrack
tracks and returns assigned names.
- vp
easily sets interface/verboseproc.
- whichlib
returns libraries containing a function.
Tables & Arrays:
- addtbl & deltbl
add and remove entries from a table.
- all
checks whether all array elements satisfy a condition.
- entry
returns the entry to a table index.
- haskey
checks whether a table or array has a specific key.
- lbound
determines lower bounds of array.
- nopsx
is an extended nops function.
- reshape
reshapes or creates an array.
- shape
returns the extents of an array.
- size
determines the size and extents of an array.
- ubound
determines upper bounds of array.
- cartprod
is a simple interface to combinat/cartprod.
- ctime
returns current date and time.
- date
returns date and time as a string.
- inc & dec
increase and decrease the value of a variable.
- getindets
returns all indeterminates in an expression.
- Makehelp
creates a Release 3 help object from a plain text file.
- man
opens a help window to display Release 3 help/TEXT structures.
- type/anglebracket
checks for a tuple in anglebrackets.
- type/elemental
checks whether a value is of type realcons, type name or type string.
- wait
waits for a specified time.
- whatRelease
returns the Maple version.
Author: Alexander F. Walz, alexander.f.walz@t-online.de
Original file location: http://www.math.utsa.edu/mirrors/maple/mplutilscontents.htm