In order to further improve the package I need your feedback, suggestions, bug reports or general comments. Please send your message to the author Alexander Walz via E-mail:
The package is available for download here, the archives contain a version for Release 3, 4, and 5. See file 'how2inst.all' for information on how to install the package.
Netscape users should press and hold the SHIFT key when clicking on the UNIX TAR/GZIP links.
Please report any bugs to alexander.f.walz@t-online.de !
Version 3.5.1 for Maple V Release 3 as of January 08, 1999
Version 3.6.4 for Maple V Release 4 as of July 22, 2000
Version 3.6.4 for Maple V Release 5.X as of July 22, 2000
Version 3.6.4 for Maple V for Cassiopeia as of November 15, 2001 
Version 3.6.4 for Maple 6 as of July 22, 2000
Version 3.6.4 for Maple 7 as of September 22, 2001 
Author: Alexander F. Walz, alexander.f.walz@t-online.de
Original file location: http://www.math.utsa.edu/mirrors/maple/mplmdow.htm