@echo off echo off REM Batch Datei zur Installation des REM THALAMUS-EXPERT REM Copyright (c) 1994 Hubertus Axer REM REM This file installs your program THALAMUS-EXPERT REM at your hard drive. REM :START if not exist thalamus.exe goto HILFE0 if @%1 == @ goto HILFE1 if @%2 == @ goto HILFE2 echo make directory %1 ... mkdir %1 >nul if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto FEHLER :EXISTING if EXIST %1\test~.123 del %1\test~.123 echo copy the files... if %2 == -G goto GERMAN if %2 == -g goto GERMAN if %2 == -E goto ENGLISH if %2 == -e goto ENGLISH goto HILFE2 :GERMAN echo copy ger_tha.exe to %1\thalamus.exe ..... copy ger_tha.exe %1\thalamus.exe if not EXIST %1\thalamus.exe goto NOCOPY echo copy ger_tha.ini to %1\thalamus.ini ..... copy ger_tha.ini %1\thalamus.ini if not exist %1\thalamus.ini goto NOCOPY echo copy ger_tha.stw to %1\thalamus.stw ..... copy ger_tha.stw %1\thalamus.stw if not exist %1\thalamus.stw goto NOCOPY goto REST :ENGLISH echo copy thalamus.exe to %1\thalamus.exe ..... copy thalamus.exe %1\thalamus.exe if not EXIST %1\thalamus.exe goto NOCOPY echo copy thalamus.ini to %1\thalamus.ini ..... copy thalamus.ini %1\thalamus.ini if not exist %1\thalamus.ini goto NOCOPY echo copy thalamus.stw to %1\thalamus.stw ..... copy thalamus.stw %1\thalamus.stw if not exist %1\thalamus.stw goto NOCOPY :REST echo copy thalamus.dat to %1\thalamus.dat ..... copy thalamus.dat %1\thalamus.dat if not exist %1\thalamus.exe goto NOCOPY echo copy *.pcx to %1\*.pcx copy *.pcx %1\*.pcx if not exist %1\waldeyer.pcx goto NOCOPY echo copy readme to %1\readme copy readme. %1\readme. if not exist %1\readme. goto NOCOPY goto FERTIG :NOCOPY echo The installation was not performed orderly. echo PLease check your pathname. echo (pathname without '\' at end !) goto ENDE :FEHLER echo directory %1 does not exist at your hard drive already. goto ENDE :HILFE0 cls echo. echo !!!!! Please put in A: or B: for your drive at first. !!!!! echo. goto HILFE :HILFE1 echo. echo !!!!! Please put in the pathname for your drive !!!!! echo. goto HILFE :HILFE2 echo. echo !!!!! Please put -G or -E after the pathname !!!!! echo. :HILFE echo The installation of THALAMUS-EXPERT: echo. echo If your installation-disk is in drive a:, put in : echo A: echo If your installation-disk is in drive b:, put in : echo B: echo. echo Then put in : echo INSTALL C:\THALAMUS -E echo if you want to install the english version echo or put in : echo INSTALL C:\THALAMUS -G echo if you want to install the german version echo (or another pathname.) echo. echo. goto ENDE :FERTIG echo. echo. echo. echo. echo The THALAMUS-EXPERT was installed orderly. echo. echo. :ENDE