1. Hardware Support

This YDL release supports the Apple PowerPC G4/G5 products, Sony PS3, and 
YDL PowerStation. While it is possible to enable the provided packages (RPMs) 
to function on other Power-architecture systems, it is not supported by 
Fixstars Solutions.

2. Improved Wireless Support

Wireless support now includes the graphical interface Wicd which has
support for PowerBook as well as PS3. WEP and WPA is now more reliable
on all supported platforms.

Configuration instructions are available at the Fixstar Solutions website:

Support for both Airport and Airport Extreme is available, the later 
requiring end-user configuration. Please see the HOWTOs:

Please review the Fixstar Solutions website for information concerning support 
for other wireless devices (ie: Airport, PCMCIA, USB).

3. Bluetooth

Bluetooth devices are readily seen by Linux, but support for unique devices 
is case-by-case, sometimes with a great deal of effort.

4. New, Updated, and Obsoleted Applications

- The Linux kernel has been upgraded to version 2.6.29
- IBM Cell SDK 3.1 has been upgraded to version
- has been upgraded to version 3.0
- Improved PS3VRAM driver that is automatically enabled as swap.
- The XFCE4 desktop environment has been added.
- Libfreevec has been added.
- Gnash has been upgraded to version 0.8.4

5. Enlightenment E17

A Quick Start Tutorial for YDL and E17 is available as the default home page 
of Firefox as well as on-line:

Because menus are common between computer platforms, the boot-game-os utility 
will be present on non-PS3 platforms. Running boot-game-os on an Apple or 
pSeries machine may display some harmless errors but will have no adverse 
effects on the machine.

The first time you log in to the E17 Desktop and engage the Computer icon, 
you will need to bring the associated window to the center of your screen, 
as follows:

       YDL Menu ==> Windows ==> Cleanup Windows

6. libfreevec

Libfreevec optimizes several glibc routines improving the performance of many
software applications. It is not enabled by default, to enable libfreevec, set 
ENABLE_LIBFREEVEC=yes in /etc/sysconfig/libfreevec.

7. XFCE4

Xfce4 has been added as our forth alternative desktop. It is not
installed by default, but you can select it in the installer by
"Customize packages now" or via yum later:

	yum groupinstall "XFCE4 Desktop Environment"

If you install XFCE4 after creating user accounts, first run:

	cp -a /etc/skel/.config ~

to set the default configuration.

8. Support

To learn about both free and contract support services, visit:

7. Bug Reporting

Think you've found a bug in YDL 6.2? We'd like to hear about it: