[VLDB'97 Home]

VLDB 1997 - Submission of Abstracts

Send by February 14, 1997, the following form with your abstract and submission details. Please make entries for all fields. You may leave out topic1 - topic3 if no topic in the selection applies to your paper. Please be sure that you specify region and track!!

Attention: Do NOT use special characters $,",\ (dollar, double quote, backslash) in the text fields!

Region (specifies to which regional program committee the paper is sent):

Track (specifies whether your paper belongs to the research or industry area):

Authors (please name all authors, separate them by comma):

Preferred format 'Firstname LASTNAME, ...', e.g.: Peter SMITH, Carol A. MILLER

Title (full title of your submitted paper):

Topics (relates your paper to the topics in the VLDB'97 Call For Papers; please select topics ordered by their relevance):

Topic 1:

Topic 2:

Topic 3:

Address (please specify your full postal mail address including name of contact author, ZIP code, country):

The address is used for paper communication. A correct address would look as follows: Peter SMITH, SuperDB Inc., Dept D-012, Main Street 3441, Metropolis City 88899, GREECE

Email address of contact author:

We assume that you specify the Email address of the same person as in the postal address above! A correct address would look as follows: smith@superdb.metropolis.gr

Abstract (maximum 250 words):

Do NOT use special characters like ",$,\. Split lines after approx. 70 characters.

Are you (or a co-author) member of the VLDB'97 program committee??

Everything complete and correct? Please double-check because later updates are not possible. Please send the form only once. Double submission creates inconsistent paper ID's. Just after the "Send Info" you will get a summary of your submission details. We recommend that you store them on your local machine for later reference. Be sure that it does not contain an error message (see below).

If -- for some reason -- the "Send Info" fails, then please submit the abstract details via Email. A failed transmission is indicated by an answer page that contains a statement 'KBtalk CBerror (lots of text)'. The only known reason for failure is the use of special characters ",$,\ in text fields. For Email transmission see here for instructions.

Design: M. Jeusfeld (jeusfeld@informatik.rwth-aachen.de), 5-Feb-1997

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