KRDB 1997 - Home Page

Athens, Greece
August 30, 1997

Workshop immediately after VLDB'97

KRDB (Knowledge Representation meets Databases) is an opportunity for researchers and practitioners from the two areas to exchange ideas and results. The previous three workshops, held in conjunction with major AI conferences, have shown the potential for cross-fertilization. This year, KRDB joins the VLDB conference to stress its two tier character. Workshop participants will have to register to VLDB (see below for details).

We welcome participation from research and industry.

-- Franz Baader, Manfred Jeusfeld, Werner Nutt (Organizing Committee)

Call for Papers & Participation

Final Program

Electronic Proceedings (final)

Summary of KRDB'97 in SIGMOD Record

Author instructions for final version

List of accepted presentations

Registration information for VLDB'97

Note: The KRDB workshop will be held at Astir Palace Resort at Vouliagmeni, the VLDB'97 conference location. Registration to VLDB'97 is required for workshop participants!

This page is published via Sun SITE Central Europe.
Last update: 27-Jan-1998 by M. Jeusfeld